Luego de que la cantante resucitara uno de sus primeros temas, llamado “Serial Killer”, ahora se filtró lo que sería la letra de la canción que le daría nombre a la tercera placa de su carrera.
La letra de "Honeymoon" habría salido de un bootleg vendido durante la gira de fin de verano que realiza por estos días junto a Courtney Love.
Ésta sería la letra y, más abajo, una captura del libro:
We both know that it’s not fashionable for you to love me
But you don’t go ’cause truly there’s nobody for you but me
We could cruise to the blues — Wilshire Boulevard if we choose.
Or whatever you want to do, we make the rules.
We both know the history of violence that surrounds you
But I’m not scared, there’s nothing to lose now that I’ve found you
We could cruise to the news — Pico Poulevard in your used
Little bullet car if we choose, Mr. Born to Lose
Our honeymoon
Our honeymoon
Our honeymoon
Say you want me too
Say you want me too
Dark blue.
Dark blue.
There are violets in your eyes
There are guns that blaze around you
There are roses in between my thighs
And a fire that surrounds you
It’s no wonder every man in town
Had neither fought nor found you
Everything you do is elusive
Even to your honey dew
Our honeymoon
Our honeymoon
Our honeymoon
Dreaming away your life
Dreaming away your life
Dreaming away your life